Renaissance & Sengoku-Jidai
Avec Infini RegretLes guerres de religion 1562-1598 - Volume 1 Dreux 1562 – La Roche l’Abeille 1569 – Coutras 158724.60 €Epuisé
Thirty Years War Quad (second edition)Les batailles de Lutzen, Nordingen, Rocroi et Montagne Blanche29.00 €Epuisé
A Most Dangerous TimeOda Nobunaga, the most revered figure in Japanese history, fights against all of Japan in 1570-1584.62.00 €Epuisé
SamuraiEdition 2007 du Vol V de la série Great Battles of History, contient 6 batailles du Japon féodal.29.00 €Epuisé
Winds of PlunderWinds of Plunder is a Euro-style board game set at the close of the Golden Age of Piracy. In this game, pirates have naught to fear but each other as they plunder the Caribbean. But peace has broken out in Europe, and the clock is now ticking on the30.00 €Epuisé