Command at Sea Vol1 - Rising Sun

Prix : 56.00 €
Editeur : Clash of Arms
Référence : COA-RS
Format : ziplock
Periode : Seconde guerre mondiale
Plus d'infos
Whether you are a miniatures enthusiast or a cardboard wargamer, Larry Bond's Command at Sea naval warfare system has something for you! Command at Sea emphasizes technical and historical accuracy, woven into a streamlined, easy to follow rules structure that keeps the action fast-paced and fun. As always, victory depends upon making the right decision at the right time.
The Rising Sun, Vol. 1 in the series, covers the Pacific 1941-43 and contains everything you need to play. The Rising Sun boxed set now comes complete with the 3rd Edition Basic Rulebook (perforated for three ring binders) and the 2nd Edition Ship Data Annex enclosed. The 3rd Edition Scenario Book offers over 50 scenarios, from small ship actions, to carrier vs. carrier attacks, to midnight battleship encounters at Guadalcanal. Plus 140 ship counters (1/2" x 1") and over 280 aircraft counters and markers are included, along with a jump-start book to get you up and playing in less than half an hour.