Assault on Gallipoli

Montgisard English Version

Montgisard English Version
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Prix : 66.00 €

Quantité : 

Editeur : Historic One

Référence : HO-MontgisardGB

Format : boite

Periode : Moyen-Age


1 produit en stock

Plus d'infos

MONTGISARD is the name of the battle won by Baldwin IV, the Leper King of Jerusalem in 1177 against the Egyptian army of Saladin. This game is an extension for AGER SANGUINIS and will introduce new knight Templar counters as well as famous characters like Reynald de Chatillon, Balian of Ibelin and the Leper King himself.

Box Contents:

> 4 full-color tactical maps, giving a possibility of many different terrains;

> 1 underground map;

> 2 full-color campaign maps;

> 3 A4 sheets of playing pieces printed in full color;

> One 40-page booklet of historical background and additional rules

and both strategic and tactical scenarios;

> 4 play sheets for handy reference;

> 1 10-sided die.