MMP - Standard Combat Series
ASL::ASL maps::Battalion Combat Series::Operational Combat Series::Standard Combat Series::Tactical Combat Series
- Rostov '41: Race to the Don (reprint)Nouveau volume de la série SCS sur la prise de Rostov à l'automne 41 et la contre-offensive qui a suivie48.00 €En stock
- Autumn for Barbarossa (Deluxe Edition)un jeu Standard Combat Series (SCS) publié à l'origine dans le magazine Special Ops #7 (2017), couvrant la lutte pour la prise de Smolensk à la fin de l'été 1941.39.90 €Epuisé
- Panzer Battles: 11th Panzer on the Chir Riverun nouvel volet de la série SCS consacré aux combats de la 11e Panzer Division durant l'offensive russe Uranus44.00 €Epuisé
- Stalingrad Pocket IIStalingrad Pocket covers the Soviet 1942 Winter Counteroffensive and the German operations to relieve the encircled 6th Army.33.00 €Epuisé
- Yom KippurOct. 6, 1973: Six years after the decisive Israeli victory in the Six-Day War, Egypt has armed itself again to reclaim undisputed control of the Suez Canal.27.00 €Epuisé
- GuadalajaraThis key battle of the Spanish Civil War springs to life! One map, 280 counters.29.00 €Epuisé
- Rock of the MarneGames both the final German attack in July 1918, and the Allied counteroffensive that produced Second Battle of the Marne.39.00 €Epuisé
- BastogneGame covering the defense of the town of Bastogne from 18 December to 26 December 1944.48.00 €Epuisé